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“The New World” (now available on Amazon)

The New World by Ron MeldrumThe New World by Ron Meldrum

An extended family finds themselves sheltering together after a global nuclear war. They emerge to find a very different world and discover that they need to rely on each other in unexpected ways in order to survive in the new world. The small group ranges from hope to despair and back again as they attempt to find their footing and build a new world for their little children in a harsh, unforgiving, even hostile environment.

The makeshift community soon discovers that threats arise from within their own ranks, even as impending doom encroaches from the outside world.

Who do they trust? How do they solve the problems of shelter, food, and security in an uncertain, often cruel world? How do they cope with death and despair as the artificial control matrix of the old world melts away, leaving behind both blessings and stark reality, uncovering the unseemly core of a depraved humanity.

The New World not only revolves around the adventures and problems of a small band of survivors, but addresses some of the philosophical questions which inevitably arise when the old world comes suddenly crashing down and individuals must work together to build a new future for themselves and their children.

See The New World on Amazon.



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