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What’s missing in our families today

A family reading the Bible in the living roomThe modern era has brought numerous advancements and conveniences that have significantly altered the way we live, work, and interact. Yet, these changes have not been without consequences. One area where this is evident is in the realm of family life. Families today are increasingly fragmented, isolated, and disconnected from their communal and spiritual roots. In this article, we will explore what we believe to be the most important thing lacking in today’s families: a communal sense of spirituality.

To understand the significance of communal spirituality in family life, we must first examine its historical roots. In traditional societies, families were closely connected to their communities, often sharing resources, beliefs, and practices. Spirituality and faith was an integral part of daily life, providing a framework for understanding the world and one’s place within it. This sense of connection to a shared spiritual heritage not only bound families together but also fostered a sense of belonging and purpose.

In contrast, the modern era has seen the rise of individualism and secularization, which have contributed to the erosion of this communal spirituality. Families have become more insular, with each household functioning as a self-sufficient unit. The emphasis on personal fulfillment and material success has overshadowed the importance of shared values and traditions. As a result, families today often lack the sense of connection and purpose that once united them.

The absence of communal spirituality in today’s families has led to several negative consequences. First, it has contributed to a sense of isolation and disconnection, as families no longer have a shared framework for understanding their place in the world. This can lead to a lack of meaning and purpose in life, as individuals struggle to find their identity outside of the context of their family and community.

Second, the absence of communal spirituality has weakened the bonds that once held families together. Without a shared sense of values and beliefs, families are more susceptible to conflict and division. This can result in a breakdown of trust and cooperation, as members of the family may struggle to find common ground.

Lastly, the absence of communal spirituality has left families vulnerable to the influences of the secular world. Without a strong foundation in shared values and traditions, families may find it difficult to resist the temptations of materialism, individualism, and other unhealthy cultural trends.

To reclaim the communal spirituality that once united families, we must first recognize the importance of this shared heritage. Families must make a conscious effort to reconnect with their roots and embrace the values and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

One practical solution is to prioritize family attendance at church and church activities. Lone-wolf Christianity is sometimes a necessity in this modern day of spiritual decline, but there are still many good churches across our country.  Don’t under estimate the value and importance of fellowship and pastoral leadership, as they can foster a sense of connection and purpose that transcends individual interests, ego, and concerns.

We believe that the most important thing lacking in today’s families is a communal sense of spirituality. By reconnecting with our shared heritage and faith, and embracing the values and traditions that have been passed down through generations, families can foster a deeper sense of connection and purpose. Through practical solutions such as prioritizing family time and going to church, we can revitalize the communal spirit that once united families and communities, and which made this country prosperous and strong.

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