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The weather as a weapon of control and manipulation

violent thunderstorm
Is there a hot “weather war” being waged in the world right now?

In the age of “climate change,” the weather has become an increasingly unpredictable and potentially devastating force. Storms, hurricanes, and droughts now seem to be the norm rather than the exception, and the consequences of these events have been catastrophic for millions of people around the world. But what if the weather itself is being used as a weapon, a tool of control and manipulation?

Around the world, we are seeing catastrophic floods, droughts, and storms more devastating than any in recent memory. Commercially important rivers are drying up, deserts are flooding, and agricultural land is drought-stricken on an apocalyptic scale.

There is mounting evidence to suggest that weather control techniques, such as High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), are being used as weapons today. HAARP is a joint project of the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, designed to study the ionosphere and investigate the potential for using it to improve communication and surveillance technologies. However, some researchers believe that HAARP is being used to manipulate the weather, causing droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events.

Although the USA was the first to develop the HAARP-style technologies, it is said that Russia and China also now have various levels of these “weather weapons.”

Theories suggest that governments, or perhaps even a shadowy gangster class, are using HAARP and other weather control techniques to cause chaos and destruction, while blaming it on climate change. This would allow them to maintain control over the population and push through their own agendas, all while deflecting blame onto an invisible and nebulous enemy.

We have seen the devastating effects of bizarre environmental and meteorological events. We have seen how the trillionaire class is getting even wealthier off of the climate scare, and otherwise intelligent people are blindly following lock-step behind an agenda favorable to wealthy, powerful globalist gangsters.

In the end, the question remains: are we truly facing the existential threat of man-made climate change, or are we being manipulated by forces beyond our control, using the weather as a weapon to maintain their grip on power?

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