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The Biden Administration: A failed experiment in progressive idealogy

Destruction of America by Joe Biden
“Did I do that?”

The Biden Administration has been in power for over two years, and it is now clear that their progressive and liberal ideology has failed to deliver on their promises. From the economy to immigration and foreign policy, the Biden Administration has been a disaster, leaving the American people worse off than before. This article will analyze the key failings of the Biden Administration and provide historical context to explain how we arrived at this point.

Economic Failures

The economic policies implemented by the Biden Administration have been a complete failure. The inflation rate has soared to its highest level in over 40 years, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increasing by 7% in 2021. This has led to higher costs of living for everyday Americans, with prices for essential items such as gas, groceries, and housing skyrocketing.

The Biden Administration’s response to this crisis has been inadequate, with their trillion-dollar spending packages only exacerbating the problem. The national debt has increased by over $4 trillion under Biden, while the Federal Reserve has resorted to printing more money to fund these packages, further devaluing the US dollar.

Immigration and Border Security

The Biden Administration’s immigration policies have also been a disaster, with the southern border seeing a record number of migrant crossings. The lack of border security has allowed drug cartels and human traffickers to exploit the situation, leading to a surge in crime rates and the spread of COVID-19.

The Biden Administration’s decision to end the “Remain in Mexico” policy and halt construction on the border wall has only made the situation worse. The lack of a coherent immigration policy has led to confusion and chaos at the border, with migrants being released into the United States without proper documentation or health screenings.

Foreign Policy and National Security

The Biden Administration’s foreign policy has been a failure, with their withdrawal from Afghanistan being a prime example. The hasty and poorly planned withdrawal led to the deaths of 13 US service members and left thousands of Americans and Afghan allies stranded behind enemy lines.

The Biden Administration’s approach to China has also been weak, with their refusal to confront Beijing on issues such as human rights abuses and intellectual property theft. The administration’s appeasement of Iran has also been a failure, with Tehran continuing to develop nuclear weapons and support terrorist organizations.

The Biden Administration’s progressive ideology has failed to deliver on its promises, leaving the American people worse off than before. The economic policies have led to record inflation, while the lack of border security has allowed drug cartels and human traffickers to exploit the situation. The administration’s foreign policy has been weak, with their failure to confront China and Iran being a prime example.

History has shown that progressive policies and weak leadership can lead to disaster. The Biden Administration’s policies have been a failure, and it is time for a change in direction. We must elect leaders who will prioritize the needs of the American people and put an end to the progressive experiment that has failed us.

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