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Pantry Watch, 8/13/2022

Pantry Watch update for week ending 8/13:

There are no price changes to report this week, neither increases nor decreases.

Stock of previously hard-to-get items still appears to be improving, with the notable exception of chicken breast.

Prices of beef products locally are still depressed, as expected due to the culling of herds by ranchers and dairy farmers impacted by high feed prices and “climate change” initiatives. If the predictions are true, then there will be a sharp price increase in beef after the temporary overstock is exhausted.

Other inventory and pricing seems to be following predictions also. A temporary glut of products due to previous orders arriving all at once through the fragile supply chain combined with lower demand due to families struggling with inflated food and energy prices will keep prices level for a while, before inflation and scarcity returns, driven by higher energy prices, “climate change” regulation forced on farmers and industry, and expected harvest shortfalls for wheat, rice, and other crops.

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