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Pantry Watch update, 8/06/2022

Pantry Watch update for week ending 8/6:

12-packs of Great Value canned sweet peas have increased from $6.78 to $6.94. Other 12-pack canned vegetables have remained at $6.78 after increasing to that price 2 weeks ago.

28 ounce cans of tomato products (diced tomatoes, sauce, stewed tomatoes) have increased in price from 98 cents per can to $1.36, a 38% increase.

Stock appears to be improving locally. White vinegar and apple cider vinegar were completely cleaned out of all local stores last week, but is back in stock this week.

Peanut butter, tuna, pasta, and coffee — which have had severe inventory issues during the last few weeks — are returning to stores. Shelves are not full, but stock and choices are improving.

Beef is still inexpensive and widely available in all varieties locally, as it has been for the last 2-3 weeks, which seems to confirm reports of a surplus on the market amidst reports of beef and dairy owners reducing or liquidating their herds.

Dark meat chicken is inexpensive and readily available locally. Chicken breast is still limited in brand and choice, and very expensive. A local grocery store has split chicken breast on sale this week for $1.49/lb. Four months ago split chicken breast was regularly on sale for 99 cents/lb at the same store.

I read one unconfirmed report this week that chicken breast is being shipped to Europe in large quantities after being processed in the States.

Local stores have good sales this week on produce, including blackberries, peaches, blueberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. Local stocks of produce (including potatoes, which have been in short supply in some areas of the country) are looking good.

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